stikoyan I have an odroid xu4, running batocera 5.11. there is a whining noise coming from the fan. what is the process to change the fan control settings. I have researched it but none of what I find is working.
Genetik57 stikoyan Hello, I see your problem. I add this thing in my todolist for the next version okay ? (Batocera 5.15)
sooprtruffaut Genetik57 Perhaps this is presumptuous but does that mean the XU4 will be updated to 5.15 as well? Not to rush you but when can we expect 5.15 to be released? Keep up the good work!
luizthiago Genetik57 Please, You can add these settings (fan control) to raspberry Pi 3 too ? Actually, my fan has a very noise ...but i'm not able to reduce the speed of this ...
Genetik57 sooprtruffaut Yes, there will be an update for this model 😉 @nadenislamarre worked hard to solve multiple problems 🙂 Corrected ! 🙂 ->
Genetik57 luizthiago I do not think it's possible to do this on the RPI but you can switch your fan to 3.3v 😉
luizthiago Genetik57 yes...i've already changed my fan to 3.3V, but, even in this voltage, it's very noise (small tan in 5v, but , very noise until now...) if it's possible to RPI, are so problem ...
Genetik57 luizthiago I have this fan -> He is very quiet