nadenislamarre A strange bug I think just for Reicast config.
I had a small issue on 5.14 controlling Reicast which I fixed - It didn't like my official DS4 pad at first so I added my own ps4.cfg file in the configs/reicast folder which resolves the mapping fine - button mappings slightly different.
ps4.cfg (custom)
mapping_name = Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller
btn_escape = 316
btn_a = 305
btn_b = 306
btn_x = 304
btn_y = 307
btn_start = 313
axis_x = 0
axis_y = 1
axis_trigger_left = 3
axis_trigger_right = 4
axis_dpad1_x = 16
axis_dpad1_y = 17
axis_x_inverted = no
axis_y_inverted = no
axis_trigger_left_inverted = no
axis_trigger_right_inverted = no
axis_dpad1_y_inverted = no
axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no
After installing v5.15 I was unable use this fix - if I edit the emu.cfg to use my ps4.cfg or if I edit the controllerP1.cfg it saves yet then upon starting a game both .cfg files reset back to default which then doesn't work with my Playstation 4 pad.
Has anything changed to cause the Reicast config to overwrite/reset the .cfg files at launch?