nexusone13 Jay you have to join them on the discord so they can link your tip to your screenscraper account
nexusone13 Jay I have no link with screenscraper. So look for an admin (names are on Admin-5 group) on discord.
Jay Yep tried that, just got told Dont speak to me im busy lol. Dont understand what im supposed to do.
Jay Just a question, if i want to recompile a template when the images are already downloaded, if i select a new template and recompile, it works but the screenshot is blank, why is that.
Jay Hiya, just trying to convert a template to another but now its not doing anything, sure im doing something wrong. Just sent info.
nexusone13 Jay you cannot recompose image if you have not already recovered the media before. in your case with 1941 there is no media. see the wiki:
Jay No media? its already showing the media?, so i need to enable option 4 on all scrapes from now on.
Jay Any idea why after scanning Bin and Cue files are being seen as the same game twice, i get 2 version of the same game appear in the menu?
nexusone13 Jay
nexusone13 Hi All, New version of ARRM available : (05/09/2020) Add a button ‘Use ARRM gamelist’ which allows you to use the gamelist_ARRM.xml file (created when saving a gamelist) instead of the gamelist.xml which could have been modified by the frontend and thus was able to delete the custom tags used by ARRM. Wiki : Addition of a checkbox ‘ZIP gamelist.xml’ in the tab ‘Gamelist Options’ which allows to zip the gamelist.xml Addition of a button ‘Create M3U’ to create .M3U files used for the multi-disc. See Wiki: Addition of a checkbox ‘Pad to Keyboard cfg’ in the tab ‘Scrap Options’, allowing to recover, on Screenscraper, for a Rom the configuration file .p2k.cfg. This file allows to assign keyboard keys to a gamepad. Useful for computers on Recalbox. Usable in the next version of Recalbox. For more information see: Addition of a ‘Pad 2 Keyb’ button for systems and Roms allowing to edit the .p2k.cfg file Addition of the tag <genreid> (numeric id) in the gamelist.xml. It allows you to normalize the genre (only 1 genre) and can be used in a future version of Recalbox to make filters on this <genreid>. The <genreid> is recovered during the scrape. The <gender> tag remains present. Addition of the tag <adult> in the gamelist (set to true if one of the genres contains adult otherwise to false) which will be used in a future version of recalbox Fixed a bug that caused the Mix’Me module to crash after a template change (thank you Nordicpower) Ability to capitalize textual info when saving the gamelist.xml (button: ‘XML in uppercase’ under the gamelist.xml creation button) Request from Pegoncology. Please note: you can only go back to lower case by rewriting the texts. Export test of the gamelist.xml in hyperspin format (button: ‘Export as Hyperspin XML’ under the create button of the gamelist.xml) Correction of a sorting problem when clicking on the columns of the database Correction of a bug on the Dev preview overlay when a priority overlay was present Various bug fixes If you already have version you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here: Download link : Patch page between two versions and Beta : ARRM WIKI :