diegoleite_band Xchrisx Some games i can run on my PC...but, every time when i start Sega Saturn emulator, shows up a fix message on left cornor: "SAVE STATE". I can't remove that =( My Setup: I5 6600 16GB DDR4 Video onboard
joele diegoleite_band Did you ever solve this? I am running on x86 64bit and a lot of games work fine, but I have a constant BIG BOLD "STATE SAVED" in white letters on the bottom left, in every single game..
GameCast diegoleite_band save state messege is normal , that means states are correctly saved, and yes some games wont boot you need respect compatibilities list of games from every cores or emulators . or try another cores .medafnen ,yabouse or kronos .. wich works bether i dont know .
joele GameCast Is the "state saved" message suppose to leave? as I can play a game for 30 minutes and the message never leaves and is rather large..
GameCast joele i see, need to look after if in retroarch is some option to deaktivate that messege , i got the same and i am not sure how to take it out . EDIT - problem solved just choose the core beetle_saturn .. i use this core cause i have my sega saturn games converted to CHD and beetle read chd files and no SAVE STATE message on screen ..
Chernenko Don't mind SAVE STATE info bro,everyone see it too. I'm try to ask Yahoo.jp,Baidu,Bing,Google and 2ch,no one tell me how to remove it. If you mind it,just switch to play Dreamcast PS1 PS2 and PSP games and forgot it.
Chernenko GameCast impossible,Priness's Crown and more game flash out. Maybe because not support for bin files?
GameCast Chernenko that save state is comming from emu not from configs. because that i say if you change the core you wont get that messege the entire time you play . CHD files are compressed files and compatible whit medafnen_saturn .
hguo83 my sega saturn games works in 5.21 but i am seeing a game gear/handheld console like overlay and borders around my game screen on my LED monitor whenever i play a Saturn game, how can i get rid of this overlay and borders and make my sega saturn games full-screen ?
bandabanda try another cores .medafnen ,yabouse or kronos .. wich works bether i dont know . Onlinesbi TutuApp aadhar card