As I see there are people here that do have more experience with themes let me ask something;
In the ·"detailed view" of a theme, where do games appear, there are some variables and it's position like:
<text name="md_lbl_rating">
<pos>0.72 0.20</pos>
<text name="md_lbl_releasedate">...
<text name="md_lbl_developer">...
<text name="md_lbl_publisher">...
<text name="md_lbl_genre">...
<text name="md_lbl_players">...
<text name="md_lbl_lastplayed">...
<text name="md_lbl_playcount">...
<text name="md_lbl_favorite">...
<datetime name="md_releasedate">...
I was thinking in removing some of those variables in the detailed view simply deleting the variables or commenting the code but I do see when I test the theme that they are still there. The variables have loose it's position but do still show.
Is there any way to delete those variables from the view or are they "hardcoded" into emulationstation that always are shown ???