Hello budy, how are you ?
I am facing the following problem:
First of all I've been updating my version of batocera since version 5.08, without doing a "clean" installation from scratch.
It happens that, even though I was in version 5.16 today, my emulators were still not being displayed "Full Screem". This led me to ask in our Brazilian Telegram group about the Linux batocera regarding this problem and I was told the following:
"The upgrade does not always correct or update secondary configuration files such as screen resolution, Core parameters, etc. In these cases, only a clean installation can solve the problem, because in this case all the files will be updated." Having said that, and noting that in my installation I could not do anything to resolve the issue, I backed up the SHARE folder with all your data and provided a clean install.
Once the installation was done, I made the initial settings reset and restored only the "Roms", "Saves", "Bios" "Screenshots" folder and the ".kodi" folder responsible for the Kodi configuration. I also changed the global.videomode to "default" (otherwise Kodi is out of frame with my TV ...).
so far so good, but when I went to pair my bluetooth control of PS3 (Generic) I began to face problems hitherto unknown which I now report:
I only tried to pair it as I did in the old versions when I acquired my control, but it did not pair at all.
I asked for help from the Telegram group where I was informed after this attempt to change the bluetooth driver to "official" and try again. I made this configuration even though it seemed strange, because I always used the Bluez driver and I never had to change it before to get my control, but since it was the only option, I continued and gave result, mapped and functional control, to make it all OK. This done, I entered the kodi for the first time to see if it was also OK, all OK, my files, addons and settings were there and everything working correctly.
I then tested the gaming platforms to see if it had finally been solved the "problem" of not occupying the entire screen and: all OK too, leaving the option 16/9 on the emulation station, configuring games, all stayed in "full screen" as I wanted and I was happy that everything had worked out ...
I entered the emulator of PSP and, when accessing the settings I found the screen very strange because the configuration letters were "Giants" and could hardly find the next configurations .... I do not know if this is normal in this version, if it was an update of PPSSPP, but I know it was a bit strange to configure this screen, not to mention that I lost all the savestates of this emulator only, even though I have restored the saves folder, which leads me to think that: or the saves from ppsspp are in another one I do not know, or in this version, the prior saves are incompatible ... but I would not know, so I have only two problems with PSP.
Already when accessing my emulator of DreamCast came the disappointment .... unfortunately it was impossible to play any game because, it seems that the settings are generated incorrectly for the analog buttons, especially the left that controls the character and is unfeasible to play, therefore, when pressing analog up, it starts to go down and just keeps running around itself (Sonic Adventure for example, unfeasible to play in this version).
As I've been reading about this, I noticed that the emulator generates its own configuration of controls every time it is started. I tried several times, without success. (my bluetooth control is generic to PS3 and before it was recognized as "Sahnwan", after some updates happened to be recognized as "PANHAI", but now with this official driver it is recognized only as PS3. recognized as "Shanwan")
I tried to get into the Dreamcast again, but using my old generic PS3 USB controller that is detected as "DragonRaise". this time, successfully. The DragonRaise USB control worked correctly in this emulator ...
So, after Analyzing the case then, everything leads one to believe the following:
There must be some serious problem with the driver "Bluez" in these new versions of batocera that prevents it can pair generic controls known as "Shanwan" etc.
When using the "Official" driver the control is paired correctly and works OK on all emulators except DreamCast, where this problem occurs.
Now we go to what would be possible:
1) go back to the old version of the bluez driver where I could pair my control normally and it worked.
2) Investigate the problem in the Dreamcast emulator in this generation of controls when using PS3 Bluetooth generic pads
3) Make DreamCast generate file compatible with the controls even using the Official driver.
Note: I already tried to use the latest driver "Shanwan", but also without success ...
Another friend in the group also reported having the same problem ...
"Sorry for the post GIANT"