attisb Every time I load a Playstation game it gets stuck on a screen for CD Player and Memory Card. I have a good BIOS file and good rom file since they both work on a Raspberry Pi. Computer is a 64-bit Intel NUC. Anyone having the same issue?
nadenislamarre hum, i don't remember in which case it happens, but i've alreay seen that. somebody else has an idea ?
drixplm The same thing happens to me, today and it did not happen in previous days, another nintendo 64 thing does not carry any room. And it was normal too.
leo_kendall make sure bios is the right file name and type. maybe try another one. also make sure the psx files are complete. If its a .bin and .cue file make sure they are all there. I have found with .bin it is just an audio track. Try to get a iso from another source.
attisb Check the BIOS and ROM files. Both are good as they work on another system that is running RetroPie.
nadenislamarre ok. i've the same issue. there is an issue, but i got that a long time ago, so, perhaps it's not a bug, but the cause would be nice. i've this in the coming 5.4. Can you precise on which version it works / which one it doesn't ?
bullghost nadenislamarre me with version 5.3 work fine tested 2 rom rockman X3 and castlevania symphony of the night
maysd filename "retroarch-core-options.cfg" at /share/system/configs/retroarch/cores, find line: pcsx_rearmed_show_bios_bootlogo = "disabled"