I think the problem is located in the asound.conf In this place the mixer device is missing to on the xu4. this results in the background music volume bug.
i hope to find a solution this weekend.
btw @nadenislamarre if the mixer device is created, emulationstation does not load the audio volume setting from the recalbox.conf.
starting a game, and return to emulationstation, the volume setting is at 72% now you can change the value and it will be saved correct to the recalbox.conf.
Bud if your restart the system, you have the problem aggain.
After a fresh boot you can do not change the volume with alsamixer on SSH. after launching a game it works. I dont know whats wrong.
My asound.conf xu4:
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "softvol"
pcm.softvol {
type softvol
slave {
pcm "hw:0,1"
control {
name "Master"
card 0
max_dB 20.0
min_dB -51.0
The max and min db settings are not correct. Bud the missing Master mixer device is added and work. I try to figure out what are the right setting to enable HDMI Audio Passthrougt.