beastieboy Thanks for your reply! I guess that I am doing Something wrong. Here is what I tried:
1) In amiga 1200 folder, I put This file contains 1869_v1.2_AGA.lha. This file contains both and a folder 1869AGA. This folder contains a data folder and several files (, 1869AGA.Slave, Manual…). The data folder contains a file 1869, a file games, and several folders (GR_1869A, GR_1869B...). Folder GR_1869A contains only files 1869pace.txt, GAME.GAM...
2) I also tried to extract the zip and use directly the .lha file
3) I also tried to compress only the 1869AGA folder in the lha into a zip file
None of the 3 tries above worked. Could you help me?
With solution 1) I get an animation of a floppy disk and nothing happens. With solution 3 I have a terminal with this error:
runme . exe : Unknow command
runme . exe : failed returncode 10