I bought my X55 mostly for Mame shooter games, to have some extentions on this that works on the PI3.
But I found now, that I am able to run even less games on the more powerfull machine, as before on the PI3.
I have for the moment running with acceptable speed on PI3:
- Alien3: The gun
- Area51
- Maximum Force
- Jurassic Park
- Operation Wolf 3
- Rail Chase 1
- Space Gun
- Steel Gunner 1
- Steel Gunner 2
-Zombie Raid
What is running on X55 (J5005) and what was not running before on PI3 is Carnevil.
But this is mame078 and most of other games need other emulators.
So, for the moment I have even less running as before . /)
I cannot find and select mameadvance. What I believe exists for x86, imame4all would not run.
I have just Libretro with the mamexxx cores 078 (mame2003),078+ (mame2003plus) ,139(mame2010),174
Finally I think that I must exchange some roms and chd's. 🙂