vicentedeoliveira Hello, I would like to inform that in my case, using batoceraon Raspberry PI3+ with 8bitdo SFC30pro, the joystick are not recognized when you map the buttons. If can help for further release. Thanks for your work Regards
joinski vicentedeoliveira which pair-mode do you use? I just tested with my SF30 Pro on my RPi3b with 5.20 and i turned the controller on in Switch-Mode (Start + Y, then hold PAIR-Button for 2 sec) and i could connect it directly via bluetooth. Then i configured all buttons in ES controller setup with no problem. Everything worked perfectly.
vicentedeoliveira Hello. You are right. In switch mode it works. I was using the start+B as usual until now where the pas is appearing as SFC30Pro controller. (it works on the other forks). Now its fixed. Thanks. Regards