hallo there,
the last time i was able to install batocera on diverse pcs .
on the most pcs working greate,
the last night id tryed to launch batocera on an 1.7 ghz cpu pc whit intel HD graphics and batocera run very well the OLD iso version ..
and on this pc i cannot play ps2,gamecube,wii,3ds or nds. systems are very strong for this pc ..
#But on dreamcast wen i try to launch a game . i launch very fast and whitout no sound . i never had this isues before and i am ussing batocera since the version 5.17 .
thanks in advance -.
leptop specs
intel pentium 3558u procesor and intel hd graphics (1.70 ghz, 2mb intel chache) and 4 gb ram .