@Fransis disconnection comes from the dongle or the wiimote. it works perfectly as on a real wii on my side. some dongle are not well supported on linux.
there are several misunderstoods around the issue i think.
I try to explain what i've understood.
first, if you try to modify the pad configuration via the dolphin configuration tool, pads section, then run a game, batocera will reconfigure automatically the pads according to what is plugged. this is the normal process. the gui is for configuration properties which are not under the control of batocera.
if batocera didn't do that automatically, each time you change a pad or change pad order or anything else, you would have to go back in the configuration tool to reconfigue all. this is what batocera answer : having an out of the box configuration.
as a general rule, you cannot configure pads manually with batocera, and for each emulator, some other properties under the control of batocera are automatiaclly forced by batocera to ensure all will work.
configuration gui are there only for some advanced user to teak some values, not for normal users.
example : in retroarch, you can change the video display driver from gl to sdl for example. this breaks many feature if you do that. this value is forced when running a game because in the past, this problem was seen several times,
second. for super mario kart, you've nothing to do (not have to modify recalbox.conf) while this games supports gamecube controllers. just plug any pad, and play a game and it is suppose to work. if not they may be a problem of course,but from the message, i don't know exactly in which case you are.
my main guess is that something is wrong in the recalbox.conf file, but i don't exclude a bug i can't reproduce on my side. can you copy me it please ?
"no one of the programmers really wants to test it" @marcelosofth, this kind of message it not very motivating for us. people here are taking a lot of time for others. but our time is not extensible infinitly. When i read this post the first time, i tested to control all worked. i answer. i switched to an other one and after i even added the gamecube pads configuration support for the wii.