nadenislamarre Mario Kart Wii really works the control, but I do not see any advantage in just let this game work if the others do not work, I will give another example, one of the best games of the Wii is Donk Kong Country, this game requires Wiiremote and also of the motion sensor mapped, otherwise the Monkey can not leave the house in the first phase, ie outside the Gui it is possible to map all the buttons, however within the Gui these settings are ignored and only work the standard buttons and does not solve the problem of button mapping, motion sensor, etc.
I am not sure why the Atari 800 and Atari 5200 are separate because they can not run their bios separately for their systems, that is, whenever the last selected bios will call the next system, it is urgent to do the same process that is done in Colecovision and MSX where Bios exists as "Auto".