I going to try:
I have two archives IN SCRIPT FOLDER. "recalbox_SafeShutdown.py" and "recalbox_SafeShundown.sh"
In the ".py" i see that text:
#resets the pi
def reset():
while True:
GPIO.wait_for_edge(resetPin, GPIO.FALLING)
output = int(subprocess.check_output(['./recalbox_SafeShutdown.sh', '--espid']))
output_rc = int(subprocess.check_output(['./recalbox_SafeShutdown.sh', '--emupid']))
if output_rc:
os.system(scriptDir + "/recalbox_SafeShutdown.sh --emukill")
elif output:
os.system(scriptDir + "/recalbox_SafeShutdown.sh --restart")
os.system("shutdown -r now") I CHANGED THIS
This afternoon I have done many tests. WITH THE SAME RESULTS.... NO FIX TE PROBLEM..
And with your script, change the behavior of the reset button. But it does not lose the saved data.
The tests that I have done are:
1 I enter Game, and I create save file.
2 Pulse RESET (with your script I leave the game and return to the emulator)
3 I enter the game again. And the data is still saved even.
4. I turn off with the switch.
5. I turn on and the file is saved.
However, if I do NOT use the reset button:
1 I come into play. I create save file.
2 I turn off with the switch.
3 I turn on and the save file DISAPPEARS.
This did not happen to me with version 5.20 and the other script. It happens to me only with the 5.21 in any emulator.
NOTA IMPORTANT: With save states (hotkey + X , Y etc) any problem. Not important how swich off.
But for the game saves on memory cards, always lost if i use the swich off.