nadenislamarre @marcelosofth the target was end of march. but it is relased once ready. we're working on the last bug. so, i hope to release rc1 tonight, then, if no bug found, i may release around friday i think.
nadenislamarre note that the current rc0 is 99,9% the official one if you really want it. there is just an issue about fba.
marcelosofth nadenislamarre Thank you, my friend, I will wait for the official and final version, because I will upgrade from inside Batocera to keep all my settings, I am eager to have the Wiimote working, yujuuuuuuuu!
marcelosofth Of course it is not hard to dream, but my dream in Batocera will be complete with Daphne, yes I will be 100% satisfied!