I there, first post. 🙂
First thing first, thank you for this incredible work! 🙂
I run batocera on a PC windows x86 64bit inside an arcade (home made) With the ability to rotate the screen (from time to time). I play mostly in vertical mode but some times I place the screen in horizontal.
(I also did some test on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ but too many things didn't work with it)
I switched from Lakka because I read that there was a way to rotate the full screen of the OS and not just the games. And it work like a charm!... well after some tweaking.
There is a nice wiki page that explain how to modify the xinitrc config file to use xrandr and rotate the screen just as I was planning. This is already fantastic 🙂 (it's so rare to have this option)
It would be nice to add in the wiki and the config file the fact that the xrandr command do not work on a raspberry pi
I modified the original Theme batocera to a vertical version of it.

Looks nice now. :-)

Now with Mame you don't need to rotate a vertical game, that is the beauty of the OS rotated from the beginning. I use the crt-pi shaders for the scanlines but something was weird. Some games in Mame have the scanlines vertical as intended but some didn't.

After some research I discovered that it depend of the core you are using!! the recent cores 0.174 and higher miss understand the rotation of the shader and will create the scanlines horizontally and of course it's wrong.
So after few tweaking with shaders I modified the crt-pi and now it can have the vertical lines right out of the box! _
But then I found that there is some moiré artefact with it and I modified the crt-pi-vertical shader and it is now gorgeous!! 🙂

(For infos: The crt-pi-vertical is not by default a rotated scanlines vertical but is a tweak of the original crt-pi correcting color artefact appearing in vertical games)

- you can see the artefact in this zoomed image
the original Batocera Theme is not very adapted for vertical viewing
Still missing 2 things:
And here is my questions for some help. (sorry for the long post)
1) Is there a way to modify the Theme for the start (and select) menu box font size and the clock?
Because it's not easy to read anything with giant fonts that just show the beginning of a word with ellipses (GAME...)
I also modified the helpesystem (icons menu help in the lower part of the screen) to be smaller
But when you push start (or select) buttons you have the menu box popping and the helpersystem fonts are back to the big size. and when you quit the menu it's fine again.
2) Is there a way to detect a keypress at boot time to switch between xrandr being loaded or not like this I could choose if I want the horizontal setup with normal crt-pi shader and normal Batocera Theme or going vertical and loading the different vertical Theme and modified shader?
If not possible maybe I will install 2 disk and choose during the bios boot, but it's more difficult to maintain 2 separate versions... 🙁
Thank in advance for any help _