Hi everyone, Im have some issues with my batocera 5.21 with regards to wifi not connecting and no bluetooth for my wireless controllers.
I'm new to the retrogaming emulation scene and after watching some youtube videos by ETA prime I installed Batocera onto one of my spare Toshiba laptop I wasnt using in. It has an i7 CPU and nivida graphics card and a 140 gb mechanical hd, so I figured it would be able to handle most of my emulation needs and sure enough it did, I began with the simple low end console games like snes and genesis which worked flawless, and then I moved onto more modern consoles like ps1 and gamecube, everything was going fine, I did try ps2 and wii but that seemed to show my laptops limits with most of those games barely running. No matter I had a big enough gaming library to satisfy my retrogaming needs for me and my 4 year old son.
Now here is where things go south. after a month or too of pretty much simple to solve problems with most issues like bios installs for things like dreamcast and ps2 fixing games not loading issues had and then a week ago my son was playing a n64 game, one of the james bond games and because my son is only 4 he couldnt advance past the first section of the game. So to make things a little easier for him I quitted out of the game and tried to load up goldeneye for him. only to find the game instantly quit before booting. I then tried a few other n64 games to find none of them would load. Ok so i tried a different console only to find all the genesis and snes games wouldnt load.
So I decided maybe a restart might fix the problem. So I did and when I reloaded batocera, my hdmi had reset back to my laptop my audio had reset back to the laptop, my wifi had be disconnected and wouldn't connect, my wireless controller would not reconnect so I cleared the paired saves and tried to re-pair them but the controllers just wont re-pair anymore.
I then tried to renable the hdmi video and audio which did which did work but the nowe of the games had loading issues with would load. Only the ps1 games loaded but i think that was due to my installing the ps1 bios file into the bios folder just before all this happened.
I then checked my system settings to find my 140 gb harddrive maxxed out, I figured with no extra space the system wouldn't let me play any new games for saves so I proceeded to empty to trash can which I ended up having to transfer the files from the trash can into a extrenal hd to free up some space.
Once that was done the old snes and genesis games would load again but none of the n64 games would load. My wireless controllers and wifi still don't connect either, I began looking for help threads on google to find some helpful but nothing to fix any of my issues atm but i did learn a little bit about the config files which lead me to find my recalbox.config. file missing 90% of the default coding/script text which I cant explain, So i transferred a complete config file from my usb installed batoeerca which didnt fix anyting but it was start. I then found my wifi settings folder @ var/lib/connman/settings which I think included normal text for that file. Then I find out how to get into the terminal section of batocera by pressing CLT+ALT+F3 and thats where I discovered a few wifi and bluetooth errors coming up
first the wifi, this is the error I get when I tried to connect the wifi from the frontend screen in the terminal
Error wifi: Method "SetProperty" with signture "sv" on interface "net.connman.technology" Doesn't exist
Error: /net/connman/technology/wifi: Method "Scan" with signature "" on interface "net.connman.technology" doesnt exist
The bluetooth error states it cant find a bluetooth adapter which explains why it wont connect
So I read a few threads on here regarding wifi and bt problems and they state to run some specific commands in the terminal for the wifi and bluetooth but if I do input any command into the terminal It asks me to login. I dont know the login but every thread I read stated the login is
But my system just says "invalid login" after I put anything in the login part. So I'm stuck I have been trying to fix this for a week to no avail and I just don't know what to do to proceed, I even tried to work on the usb installed batocera I have as well but the wifi on that system wont connect either it just states
error /net/connman/technology: no carrier
Sorry for the long post but I just thought I'd explain the whole story and maybe that might explain what happened and why things have gone all screwy on my batocera.
If anyone can help give me instructions on how to proceed from here please post it here.