Im trying to set global or emu snes,mega drive,etc.etc.. with a custom mode and resolution..
my boot config I have this added
hdmi_cvt=360 240 60 1 1 0 0 #240p
and now i want my emulators to run in this ..
hdmi_cvt=1280 240 60 1 1 0 0
Im using a HDMI to component adapter ..
I get a nice 240p image in ES i just need it to switch when i run a game.
Im using a rasp-pi 3 and beta 5.22..
Do i need to add this somewhere ..??
vcgencmd hdmi_cvt=1280 240 60 1 1 0 0
tvservice -e "DMT 87"
fbset -depth 32 && fbset -depth 32 -xres 1280 -yres 240
thanks for any help..