nadenislamarre Hello ! I tested the X86_64 version and I have an important bug. If in sound settings I change the output to HDMI1, after reboot and the ES Logo, the screen goes black. I can still reboot via ssh but same problem on reboot. Also same problem if I do the change using Kodi.
This was working in previous versions and also on previous beta (beta of July 12). I use a Nvidia 750 Ti (with Nvidia driver enabled).
Thanks in advance for your reply !
PS : I tried to download again and still the same problem. I reverted to the 12 July beta and works. I don’t know what has changed since last beta...
PPS : in UI SETTINGS, I have in latest beta either AUTO or HDMI-1 when I had AUTO or HDMI-0 in previous version. This may have something to do with the problem...
PPPS : I also tried to put HDMI-0 in batocera.conf but same résultat, black screen after ES logo...