lyon00 You might want to look up RGBuntu, or maybe mme4crt.. I was able to run Bato on a VGA CRT Pc Monitor 31khz.. then using CRT res-switcher or switch rez ,, whatever its called in the retroarch menu to drop it down to 240p @120khz .. or set it to native, but its a pain when switching back to ES, it just brakes into a black screen or ES will not switch back to is resolution 1024 x 768 I think.. I did mess with root/firmware to make my settings stick but it was never right , i was about 75% there and just gave up on it.. I mostly wanted to do it for Gamecube dreamcast and arcade games
Now that the Rasp-4 is here and it seems to have more power to run dreamcast mame , and n64 that would be my go too for gaming on a CRT via Composite .. thats if the new pi hardware will run at 240p like the old one did, then buy a VGA666 and a vga to component transcoder or maybe a RetroTink ultimate by Mike Chi for nice clean almost as good as RGB goodness.