Since batocera 5.23 that the psx game list are showing .bin files, Instead of showing for example Rival Schools.cue, it shows both .cue and .bin files from the same game. What can i do to solve this?
Edit: Problem solved and here is the solution:
Just follow the steps and be happy, You will need to connect your raspberry using ssh, I'm using Putty and WinSCP on my PC to edit the file that is doing all this mess.
1 - Open Putty and with raspberry conected in your network type as host "batocera", login "root" and password "linux";
2 - Use the command " /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop " to stop emulstation, your screen are going to be black, it's normal;
3 - Use the command " mount -o remount,rw / " to enable system change;
4 - Open WinSCP and use as host "batocera", login "root" and password "linux";
5 - In WinSCP follow the path and edit the file " \etc\emulationstation\es_systems.cfg " , just serach for "Sony Playstation" and delete " ,bin" and " .BIN" extensions, then save;
6 - Go to Putty and use the command, "batocera-save-overlay" to save every change in the system files;
7 - Use the command " /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start" to start emulstation again;
8 - Restart Batocera and be happy, you will never see .bin ps1 games again just like batocera 5.22.