Lecreateurlol63 BZZ i have 5,25 version but I have put 5,23 script nvidia hybrid for work my graphique card ... iam sorry i explain bad Iam English are bad sorry
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 Dont worry about english. Go to terminal either via batocera or putty and do: xrandr -s 800x600 -r 50 reboot See if this works.
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 Do this then: xrandr -s 800x600 reboot If it does not work do: xrandr -s 1024x768 reboot If it does not work do: xrandr -s 1280x720 reboot If it does not work do: xrandr -s 1280x1024 reboot If it does not work do: xrandr -s 1440x900 reboot If it does not work do: xrandr -s 1600x900 reboot If one of these works try games.
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 Its cause your on laptop and Xandr is probably trying to change HDMI or VGA. Try this: xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x768 reboot
Lecreateurlol63 can’t open in the menu / setting / video settings : I have : auto / vga-0 / lvds-1-1 / hdmi-1-1/ vga-1-2 when I put the vga câble the screen are not good size on my bartop
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 Not sure if that will do anything but try this then: xrandr --listmonitors then if it shows LVDS-1-1 do: xrandr --output LVDS-1-1 --mode 1024x768 reboot or if it shows LVDS-1 do: xrandr --output LVDS-1 --mode 1024x768 reboot
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 ok. can you find a file called xinitrc on Batocera and paste what is in it here please.
BZZ BZZ Also try this as well: export DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS-1-1 --mode 800x600 reboot OR export DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 800x600 reboot if this does not work tell me what this says: xrandr -help
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 BZZ Ok.... I think I might have figure it out. You will have to open terminal in Batocera and not SSH via putty. To open terminal I think its ALT+CTRL+F2 or F4. Once in terminal just press enter to get login screen. Login as you would via SSH. Then type in: xrandr --output vga-0 --off xrandr --output vga-1-2 --off xrandr --output hdmi-1-1 --off xrandr --output LVDS-1-1 --mode 1024x768 reboot If any of the xrandr --output vga-0 --off display 'no display' change to VGA or VGA1 same with HDMI.