Lecreateurlol63 BZZ oh yes ! When I make ctrl+alt+f3 I have access to terminal in batocera and I have too access to putty https://imgshare.io/image/zluPS
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 Briefly looking at your screen shot it seems your keyboard is not working ? Is it ? can you type at all ?
Lecreateurlol63 Lecreateurlol63 maybe it’s because I have Azerty keyboard , and maybe he is configured like QWERTY ? , because when I write he write like English keyboard
BZZ Please also use shift+page up to scroll up.... find all lines around 'fatal' or 'error' and show me ;-)
Lecreateurlol63 BZZ yes i have make root and Linux password https://imgshare.io/image/zRNy9 https://imgshare.io/image/zR6rF
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 use shift+page up to scroll up you will see line that would say 'fatal' or 'error' or 'failed' or 'warrning'.
Lecreateurlol63 BZZ the screen it’s black I can see nothing , I try make ctrl+alt+f3 but nothing happen , but I hear the sound of music système batocera
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 so little progress i guess. try ctrl+alt+f2 or f4 or f1. if none work do hard reboot. or reboot via putty and we will do the same via putty as there is simply a scroll bar there.
Lecreateurlol63 BZZ ctrl alt f3 noting happen ( black screen ) ctrl alt f4 open menu audio ctrl alt f1 like Loading batocera but infinity loading i take pics for you https://imgshare.io/image/zRbOX https://imgshare.io/image/zR5U5
Lecreateurlol63 BZZ I make screenshots of the putty https://imgshare.io/image/zR30q https://imgshare.io/image/zR7f7 https://imgshare.io/image/zRnyf
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 does your batocera work if you plug in vga or hdmi ? Do you have these to test ? If that what it is it will be easy to fix. Please try this in putty: batocera-config lsoutputs
Lecreateurlol63 BZZ i try vga and don’t work I can’t try hdmi I don’t have I make bartop for use with vga but when I click ctrl alt f4 I can see the terminal in screen of laptop and same time screen on my vga screen ( bartop ) https://imgshare.io/image/zREUx
BZZ Lecreateurlol63 ok. lets go back to hybrid script: cd /userdata wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Broceliande/batocera-hybrid-nvidia/5.23/batocera-hybrid-patch.sh chmod +x batocera-hybrid-patch.sh ./.sh