The wiki helped me change the timezone for me.
I opened Putty on my laptop (which is on same wifi as my batocera box)
Typed batocera in the Host name box.
Logged in as root and used the password linux.
Then I copied and pasted in :
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe
(you may type in America)
I saw Dublin was in there.
So then I typed in
nano /userdata/system/batocera.conf
(nano is a text editor)
I used the arrow keys to scroll down until i saw:
# ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ #
## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES,it_IT,eu>
## set the keyboard layout (fr,en,de,us,es)
## Set you local time
## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string)
I chanded it to my city.
(You may need to change the zone to America)
Then I saved the text file, overwriting the original.
I press ctrl and o. Then press enter.
Then to exit nano editor press ctrl and x.
Shutdown everything and reboot.
Hope this helps.
It took me a little time to understand how it works
Initially I think my time went back to 1980 1st Jan :-))
Have fun…