ref_k i realy donno about this stuff, and how to compare between cards.. my budget is low… i saw this one on ebay: can it do the job for gamecube/wii/ps2? is it worth it at all to buy from ebay(chaina)? thanks in advanced
Lewi Be careful, this looks absolutely like a fake! Don’t buy it. It is a very old Graphicscard which is rebrandet.
Lewi It’s definitely a fake. There is no 1050 ti with a Vga Port. There are lots of fake Graphicscards out there. Be careful at Ebay.
Jacksons20 I don’t usually trust something professional to have screenshots of certain videogames on it.
ref_k Thanks for everyone that answered, i also chked youtube (before i saw your answers) , and as you said, alot of fake cards there. i guess i’l wait and save more and buy one on local store.