I have an ipac2 USB with arcade controls wired up.
I had this working ok with a RetroPie/EmulationStation setup.
…And was able to use Start/Select[Hotkey] to exit a game and return to EmulationStation.
I flashed my Pi4’s memory card with a new Batocera image 5.26.
Added some roms and scraped some art.
Then I went to setup the controls.
I followed the prompts, defining my joystick up/down/left/right.
And I continued to map for the A/B/X/Y, L1&R1, Start/Select, and a Hotkey.
Having done that, my navigation around the theme menu works ok;
I can press my “start” button to get the menu, likewise the other menu from “select” button.
I can enter an emulator category using my “A” button, and back out to the main emulator selection menu with the “B” button.
But whenever I enter an emulator/system, and actually select a game, strange things happen within the game;
My joystick works fine, but;
…None of my A/B/X/Y seem to input at all, and do nothing.
…The buttons I had defined as L1&R1 seem to action as A/B [so do Jump and Attack in games].
And pressing both Start & Select[Hotkey] do not return my out of the game.
I cannot exit the game using any combination of buttons.
So I am having to force power down for now, and reboot.
Can anyone help please?
Is there a file I can/should perhaps delete and try again?
I have gone through the Controller Configuration a number of times, and although it accepts inputs for each button, when I exit and play a game, I get these behaviours.