Hello everyone,
I am looking for help with a cheap bluetooth controller.
I have this controller Wireless Pro Game Controller (8085-A)
I tried to use it on my rpi+ but I can not connect it.
here my putty log when I try to connect manually :
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:39:90:27 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C A0-5A-5C-06-90-7C
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Name: Pro Controller
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Alias: Pro Controller
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C LegacyPairing: yes
[bluetooth]# pair A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C
Attempting to pair with A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Trusted: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[bluetooth]# connect A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C
Attempting to connect to A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[NEW] Device 5D:5D:6F:D9:49:20 5D-5D-6F-D9-49-20
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C ServicesResolved: yes
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: yes
[CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:06:90:7C Connected: no
If someone could help me, I will gratefully thank him.