crg222004 I’ve noticed when navigating through the menus while using a PS4 controller that sometimes when I press the cross or circle buttons it doesn’t register that the button has been pressed. This doesn’t happen at all while playing games, just while in the Batocera menus. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
joinski crg222004 are you using bluetooth or is your ps4 controller connected via usb-cable? if wireless over bluetooth: did you test with another bluetooth dongle/card? do you have a CUH-ZCT1 or CUH-ZCT2 ps4 controller?
crg222004 Thank you for your reply joinski. I’m using the controller wirelessly over Bluetooth. I have tried connecting using another Bluetooth dongle, but the issue still persists. I’m using a CUH-ZCT2 controller.
joinski What are your hardware specs? (CPU/GPU) And where did you plug in the Bluetooth dongle? At the front or at the back of the case of your PC? Do the issues also persist, if you connect your controller via USB-cable or does it only happen, if you use it wirelessly over bluetooth?