OKé… I found how to fix this issue.
In the /userdata/system/configs/emulationstation/es_settings.cfg file, there is a new required value.
If this value isn’t set, emulated hardware systems are sorted alphabetically as default.
So to fix this issue, add this line in the es_settings.cfg file : <string name="SortSystems" value="" />
Like this :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bool name="CaptionsCompatibility" value="true" />
<bool name="EnableSounds" value="true" />
<bool name="QuickSystemSelect" value="false" />
<bool name="SortAllSystems" value="false" />
<bool name="audio.bgmusic" value="false" />
<bool name="audio.display_titles" value="false" />
<bool name="audio.thememusics" value="false" />
<int name="MaxVRAM" value="180" />
<int name="ScreenSaverTime" value="0" />
<string name="CollectionSystemsAuto" value="" />
<string name="ExePath" value="emulationstation" />
<string name="GamelistViewStyle" value="detailed" />
<string name="INPUT P6NAME" value="DEFAULT" />
<string name="INPUT P7NAME" value="DEFAULT" />
<string name="INPUT P8NAME" value="DEFAULT" />
<string name="LogLevel" value="debug" />
<string name="PowerSaverMode" value="disabled" />
<string name="ScrapperImageSrc" value="mixrbv1" />
<string name="ScrapperLogoSrc" value="" />
<string name="ScrapperThumbSrc" value="" />
<string name="ScreenScraperPass" value="" />
<string name="ScreenScraperUser" value="" />
<string name="SlideshowScreenSaverBackgroundAudioFile" value="/userdata/music/slideshow_bg.wav" />
<string name="SortSystems" value="" />
<string name="ThemeSet" value="es-theme-alekfull_vertical" />
<string name="TransitionStyle" value="fade" />
Then reboot your Batocera operating system. And you’ll retrieve your emulated hardware systems in the same order as you setted them in the /userdata/system/configs/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg file.