as with certain games for amiga 500/1200/cd32/cdtv/etc is the case (like oscar/trolls),
these games use a horrible control layout - jump = joystick up is for most people like
playing a game with a severe penalty to the controls. i ve tried to change/look for the
mapping so that instead of pressing up (joystick up), a button can be pressed
(like A,B,X,Y etc) but this option is nowhere to be found in the menus.
guys. there is so frickin much games with this stupid control layout for
jumping. i guess it has to do with joysticks being limited to only having one
button, which is ofcourse to be assigned to ¨fire¨/¨action¨ etc, but this is
a new era, there are so much games with this problem, which can be
very good and entertaining games, but this jumping handicap ruins the whole
experience. please if anyone can tell me how can i change this or make a
toggle (jump=button) please do so