I was disappointed about Flycast core doesn’t support .7z compressed file with the RetroArch emulator. So I wrote a quick fix to bypass this lack. I’m not a Python specialist but it works properly with my .chd, .cue/bin, .cdi Dreamcast dumps.
Here is my Batocera 5.27.2’s /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.py file content :
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import time
import sys
from sys import exit
from Emulator import Emulator
import generators
from generators.kodi.kodiGenerator import KodiGenerator
from generators.linapple.linappleGenerator import LinappleGenerator
from generators.libretro.libretroGenerator import LibretroGenerator
from generators.moonlight.moonlightGenerator import MoonlightGenerator
from generators.mupen.mupenGenerator import MupenGenerator
from generators.ppsspp.ppssppGenerator import PPSSPPGenerator
from generators.reicast.reicastGenerator import ReicastGenerator
from generators.flycast.flycastGenerator import FlycastGenerator
from generators.dolphin.dolphinGenerator import DolphinGenerator
from generators.pcsx2.pcsx2Generator import Pcsx2Generator
from generators.scummvm.scummvmGenerator import ScummVMGenerator
from generators.dosbox.dosboxGenerator import DosBoxGenerator
from generators.dosboxx.dosboxxGenerator import DosBoxxGenerator
from generators.vice.viceGenerator import ViceGenerator
from generators.fsuae.fsuaeGenerator import FsuaeGenerator
from generators.amiberry.amiberryGenerator import AmiberryGenerator
from generators.citra.citraGenerator import CitraGenerator
from generators.daphne.daphneGenerator import DaphneGenerator
from generators.cannonball.cannonballGenerator import CannonballGenerator
from generators.openbor.openborGenerator import OpenborGenerator
from generators.wine.wineGenerator import WineGenerator
from generators.cemu.cemuGenerator import CemuGenerator
from generators.melonds.melondsGenerator import MelonDSGenerator
from generators.rpcs3.rpcs3Generator import Rpcs3Generator
import controllersConfig as controllers
import signal
import batoceraFiles
import os
import subprocess
import json
import utils.videoMode as videoMode
from utils.logger import eslog
generators = {
'kodi': KodiGenerator(),
'linapple': LinappleGenerator(),
'libretro': LibretroGenerator(),
'moonlight': MoonlightGenerator(),
'scummvm': ScummVMGenerator(),
'dosbox': DosBoxGenerator(),
'dosboxx': DosBoxxGenerator(),
'mupen64plus': MupenGenerator(),
'vice': ViceGenerator(),
'fsuae': FsuaeGenerator(),
'amiberry': AmiberryGenerator(),
'reicast': ReicastGenerator(),
'flycast': FlycastGenerator(),
'dolphin': DolphinGenerator(),
'pcsx2': Pcsx2Generator(),
'ppsspp': PPSSPPGenerator(),
'citra' : CitraGenerator(),
'daphne' : DaphneGenerator(),
'cannonball' : CannonballGenerator(),
'openbor' : OpenborGenerator(),
'wine' : WineGenerator(),
'cemu' : CemuGenerator(),
'melonds' : MelonDSGenerator(),
'rpcs3' : Rpcs3Generator()
def main(args, maxnbplayers):
playersControllers = dict()
controllersInput = []
for p in range(1, maxnbplayers+1):
ci = {}
ci["index"] = getattr(args, "p{}index" .format(p))
ci["guid"] = getattr(args, "p{}guid" .format(p))
ci["name"] = getattr(args, "p{}name" .format(p))
ci["devicepath"] = getattr(args, "p{}devicepath".format(p))
ci["nbbuttons"] = getattr(args, "p{}nbbuttons" .format(p))
ci["nbhats"] = getattr(args, "p{}nbhats" .format(p))
ci["nbaxes"] = getattr(args, "p{}nbaxes" .format(p))
# Read the controller configuration
playersControllers = controllers.loadControllerConfig(controllersInput)
# find the system to run
systemName = args.system
eslog.log("Running system: {}".format(systemName))
system = Emulator(systemName, args.rom)
system.config["emulator-forced"] = False
system.config["core-forced"] = False
if args.emulator is not None:
system.config["emulator"] = args.emulator
system.config["emulator-forced"] = True # tip to indicated that the emulator was forced
if args.core is not None:
system.config["core"] = args.core
system.config["core-forced"] = True
eslog.debug("Settings: {}".format(system.config))
if "emulator" in system.config and "core" in system.config:
eslog.log("emulator: {}, core: {}".format(system.config["emulator"], system.config["core"]))
if "emulator" in system.config:
eslog.log("emulator: {}".format(system.config["emulator"]))
# the resolution must be changed before configuration while the configuration may depend on it (ie bezels)
wantedGameMode = generators[system.config['emulator']].getResolutionMode(system.config)
systemMode = videoMode.getCurrentMode()
resolutionChanged = False
exitCode = -1
eslog.log("current video mode: {}".format(systemMode))
eslog.log("wanted video mode: {}".format(wantedGameMode))
if wantedGameMode != 'default' and wantedGameMode != systemMode:
resolutionChanged = True
gameResolution = videoMode.getCurrentResolution()
eslog.log("resolution: {}x{}".format(str(gameResolution["width"]), str(gameResolution["height"])))
# savedir: create the save directory if not already done
dirname = os.path.join(batoceraFiles.savesDir, system.name)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
# core
effectiveCore = ""
if "core" in system.config and system.config["core"] is not None:
effectiveCore = system.config["core"]
effectiveRom = ""
if args.rom is not None:
effectiveRom = args.rom
# network options
if args.netplaymode is not None:
system.config["netplay.mode"] = args.netplaymode
if args.netplayspectator is not None:
system.config["netplay.spectator"] = args.netplayspectator
if args.netplayip is not None:
system.config["netplay.server.ip"] = args.netplayip
if args.netplayport is not None:
system.config["netplay.server.port"] = args.netplayport
# run a script before emulator starts
callExternalScripts("/usr/share/batocera/configgen/scripts", "gameStart", [systemName, system.config['emulator'], effectiveCore, effectiveRom])
callExternalScripts("/userdata/system/scripts", "gameStart", [systemName, system.config['emulator'], effectiveCore, effectiveRom])
# Fix Dreamcast 7z/zip support
tmpRomPath = '/userdata/system/.cache/'
if systemName == 'dreamcast' and args.rom.endswith('.7z') or systemName == 'dreamcast' and args.rom.endswith('.zip'):
romName = os.path.basename(args.rom)
eslog.log("fix extracting rom archive: {} to {}".format(args.rom, tmpRomPath))
if args.rom.endswith('.7z'):
subprocess.call(['7zr', 'e', '-aoa', '-o' + tmpRomPath, args.rom])
if args.rom.endswith('.zip'):
subprocess.call(['unzip', '-o', args.rom, '-d', tmpRomPath])
romName = os.path.splitext(romName)[0] + '.chd'
if os.path.isfile(tmpRomPath + romName):
args.rom = tmpRomPath + romName
romName = os.path.splitext(romName)[0] + '.cue'
if os.path.isfile(tmpRomPath + romName):
args.rom = tmpRomPath + romName
romName = os.path.splitext(romName)[0] + '.cdi'
if os.path.isfile(tmpRomPath + romName):
args.rom = tmpRomPath + romName
eslog.log("fix temporary rom is: {}".format(args.rom))
# run the emulator
exitCode = runCommand(generators[system.config['emulator']].generate(system, args.rom, playersControllers, gameResolution))
# Fix remove temp roms
if os.path.isfile(tmpRomPath + romName):
baseName = os.path.splitext(romName)[0]
romFiles = []
for r, d, f in os.walk(tmpRomPath):
for romFile in f:
if romFile.find(baseName) != -1:
eslog.log("fix deleting temporary rom file: {} ".format(tmpRomPath + romFile))
subprocess.call(['rm', '-f', tmpRomPath + romFile])
# run a script after emulator shuts down
callExternalScripts("/userdata/system/scripts", "gameStop", [systemName, system.config['emulator'], effectiveCore, effectiveRom])
callExternalScripts("/usr/share/batocera/configgen/scripts", "gameStop", [systemName, system.config['emulator'], effectiveCore, effectiveRom])
# always restore the resolution
if resolutionChanged:
except Exception:
pass # don't fail
# exit
return exitCode
def callExternalScripts(folder, event, args):
if not os.path.isdir(folder):
for file in os.listdir(folder):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, file)):
callExternalScripts(os.path.join(folder, file), event, args)
if os.access(os.path.join(folder, file), os.X_OK):
eslog.log("calling external script: " + str([os.path.join(folder, file), event] + args))
subprocess.call([os.path.join(folder, file), event] + args)
def runCommand(command):
global proc
eslog.log("command: {}".format(str(command)))
eslog.log("command: {}".format(str(command.array)))
eslog.log("env: {}".format(str(command.env)))
proc = subprocess.Popen(command.array, env=command.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
exitcode = -1
out, err = proc.communicate()
exitcode = proc.returncode
eslog("emulator exited")
return exitcode
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
global proc
if proc:
print('killing proc')
if __name__ == '__main__':
proc = None
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='emulator-launcher script')
maxnbplayers = 8
for p in range(1, maxnbplayers+1):
parser.add_argument("-p{}index" .format(p), help="player{} controller index" .format(p), type=int, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}guid" .format(p), help="player{} controller SDL2 guid" .format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}name" .format(p), help="player{} controller name" .format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}devicepath".format(p), help="player{} controller device" .format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}nbbuttons" .format(p), help="player{} controller number of buttons".format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}nbhats" .format(p), help="player{} controller number of hats" .format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-p{}nbaxes" .format(p), help="player{} controller number of axes" .format(p), type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-system", help="select the system to launch", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("-rom", help="rom absolute path", type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument("-emulator", help="force emulator", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-core", help="force emulator core", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-netplaymode", help="host/client", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-netplayspectator", help="enable spectator mode", default=False, action='store_true', required=False)
parser.add_argument("-netplayip", help="remote ip", type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument("-netplayport", help="remote port", type=str, required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
exitcode = -1
exitcode = main(args, maxnbplayers)
except Exception as e:
eslog.error("configgen exception: ", exc_info=True)
time.sleep(1) # this seems to be required so that the gpu memory is restituated and available for es
eslog.log("Exiting configgen with status {}".format(str(exitcode)))
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:4
# indent-tabs-mode:nil
# End:
# vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4:
You can see 2 new codes blocks, that’s it :
. # Fix Dreamcast 7z support
. # Fix remove temp roms
To save and keep the change after reboot in your Batocera, use this command line : batocera-save-overlay
———– edit ————-
fix updated to support .zip archive file too