matosman Hello, I will interessed to make a computer for batocera linux. But which graphic card work great with this linux and for play wii and dreamcast well ? THanks Mathieu
nadenislamarre the best is to test the computer directly in fact. i ask and was able to do that before buying my last computer.
leo_kendall i tested gpus i tryed asus p5n73-am onboard hd5450 hd7000 gt730 ddr3 gt730 ddr5 8500gt 760gb onboard intel hd4000 nonboard. dreamcast, wii, and gamecube do not work for me, all the other emulators work fine.
leo_kendall just to state all the graphic cards i listed do not work, had to use a different o/s program to play them.
nadenislamarre leo_kendall do you have retested these compiter with the last x86 64 beta increasing a lot the gpu support ?
leo_kendall asus p5n73-am onboard --to old and to slow hd5450 -- work hd7000 -- dead gpu do not work anymore even with windows gt730 ddr3 -- work gt730 ddr5 -- work 8500gt - -work kinda 760gb onboard motherboard gpu --- kinda weird intel hd4000 nonboard. -- work