pillemats Is it possible to add The cemu Emulator ? http://wololo.net/2017/07/22/cemu-v1-8-2-performance-improvements-improved-game-compatibility/
Arganis31 Hi, No Linux version of Cemu but it's compatible WineHq : https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=35028 You can see a lot of video on YouTube with keyword "Linux + Cemu" WineHq can be use with buildroot, maybe can open opertunity to use more Windows Ă©mulation... https://wiki.winehq.org/Buildroot @nadenislamarre Hi, Did you think it's possible to add pcsx2 on x86_64 build?
nadenislamarre it's possible for x86 for sure while pcsx2 is a x86 emulator. it may be possible for x86_64.
olybop up. CEMU pourrait peut-ĂȘtre ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ© un de ces 4 (mĂȘme si je sais que c'est pas la prioritĂ©)
Minux87 olybop Ăa a dĂ©jĂ Ă©tĂ© aborder et il faut avant demander la permission aux crĂ©ateurs. Mais je sais pas ou ça en est depuis :-)