First things first, massive thanks I love the system and what it does. I also love the way it is presented aesthetically and how easy it is to configure. Very clever. 😃
I just wanted to know more in terms of the potential for the C2 to run PSX and N64, playing any of the games on the psx on default or the other cores results in low framerate and performance.
I'm not sure if this is something that I can change with configuration or if this is related to just poor performance of these systems under the C2.
If this is performance related what is / can be done to resolve this and do you see these systems with work and time running at full speed on the C2 for most titles?
Finally how does the XU4 compare in terms of PSX and N64 emulation, I'm thinking about investing in one but if you think with a little time the C2 will be able to resolve these audio / performance issues I'll hold out.
Lot of questions in there apologies, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the above points.
Thanks again,