Thanks Atari , I need to set up my mics. I rarely use Discord.
fracture , What and where is the file that normally launches Future Pinball.exe located? I had the same idea of changing it, instead, to load FPLoader.exe. There are a couple ways to test if it succeeded or not. First, pressing the Q-key is supposed to pull up a BAM options menu. Secondly, you can try running a table that is designed for BAM; if it runs it worked. Though, there are different versions of BAM and some tables require a more up-to-date version. Other than getting the Q-key menu to work, I don’t know where to check which version of BAM is in the /usr/pinball directory. Anyway, I’m stuck here and hoping to find a solution. I also need help with getting my VirtuaPin Calibration software working with Future Pinball. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything, and will try to get setup on Discord and get help there.