I tried the manual method with xterm and X mode for pairing.
First controller went no problem, detected, paired and vibrate once directly, connected and trusted.
While first controller is connected i tried the second one.
Second one is detected, pair command give the message :“device macaddress Connected:yes” but No vibrate, no modalias, no uuids, no service resolved but still it’s noted successful. When trying to pair again it says already exist. Trust command succeed though. When stopping and then powering on the second controller again, it shows as connected:yes and when issuing the connect command i have service resolved:yes but the lights are still blinking (regular ones, not the pairing ones).
Both shows in the devices list.
Noob question but a bluetooth adapter should be able to handle 2 controller i guess ? (By the way, i’m using built in bt adapter of the brix, not the 8bitdo usb adapter).
Thanks for the help.