Hello everyone,
I managed to run my games in Yuzu emulator just fine but only wia F1 file explorer. I can see my games in ES but if I try to run it, it crashes without any error messages. Anyone had this problem as well?
Btw. it doesn’t matter if I run installation by https://github.com/ordovice/batocera-switch or flatpak the results are the same :-(
I found solution.
If you run into this problem, follow:
Here is how I’ve done the whole installation:
1. copy everything from ‘Batocera Switch Main’ to ‘share’ folder
2. copy everything from ‘Batocera Switch’ to ‘share’ folder -> replace all
3. copy everything from ‘Batocera Switch 18.11 Full pack’ to ‘share’ folder -> replace all
4. copy your ‘keys’ folder to ‘share\system\.local\share\yuzu’
1. press F1
2. press F4
3. run ‘/userdata/roms/ports/updateyuzu.sh’ (maybe redundant but it update, so)
4. run ‘mv /userdata/system/switch/configgen/evdev /userdata/system/switch/configen/evdevlocal’
5. run ‘nano /userdata/system/switch/configgen/Evmapy.py’
6. replace ‘import evdev’ with ‘import evdevlocal as evdev’
7. save and exit
8. run ’chmod a+x /userdata/system/switch/extra/batocera-config-yuzu
9. run ’chmod a+x /userdata/system/switch/yuzu.AppImage
10. run ’chmod a+x /userdata/system/.local/share/applications/yuzu-config.desktop
11. enter ‘exit’
12. press CTRL+Q to return to ES (Batocera UI)
13. update gamelists