joinski the complete userdata/share partition/folder with all its contents to be sure.
Did you already try the RPi2 version of 35 on your RPi3b+?
This is the only one I didn’t try. But to be honest after trying everything from 27 to 31 and seeing no change, I’m pretty sure the PSU is responsible. I’ve crossed off everything else possible except that. And the official one is expected to arrive today, so I should know soon enough. If performance issues persist I might test the Pi2 build.
joinski even if you change Audio Output/Device/Profile in ES and reboot after that? Is the audio jack connected at boot? What happens, if you inplug and plug in again after booting and then change the setting in ES and reboot?
Literally tried everything, including some suggestions to the config.txt that I found on these forums. Worth noting earlier builds lack the Audio Profile option and are limited to just two: HDMI and JACK, with no other configurations available. It’s not actually the setup either, as there is sound in the splash video on boot and in KODI. Weird and annoying.
Issue: OD Commander doesn’t seem to be recognising the USB plugged in. I’m not sure if there’s something more I need to do. It’s possible the card is corrupted, but it did say it completed the downgrade totally and was ready to reboot.
So I got into the unresponsive card by plugging it in via USB reader, setting the storage to Any External and rebooting. To my surprise the reboot worked and I got in, to find a fresh 35 build install untouched and ready to go. All userdata is gone, all games and everything, completely wiped. So when the downgrade says ‘this will never touch your userdata, like never ever’ didn’t seem to go right for me. Interestingly, if I remove the card and put it back into the Pi card slot and boot normally, it still never gets past the black screen - it’s only visible as an Any External drive.
I FTPd into it just to make sure the userdata was all formatted and that’s definitely the case.
So it’s back to square one for me, time to start moving some stuff over.
For future reference, if I go to System Settings > Install on a New Disk, that will allow me to make a complete clone to another SD card? I also see it has hardware listed too, so potentially I could clone a Pi3 setup and have it ready to go straight into a Pi4?