PI 4:
Hi retroFamily! thanks for your great work! One Question: when announce Batocera36? pcsx rearmed needs “Enhanced resolution” option in 64 bits (pi4) for enjoy the experience! jeje. Beta 36 not works well in pi4 (saturn, model3, n64 broken)
Saturn not works with any rom. in 35 works great! ( Astal Game not works 😭)
libretro Flycast is ok but i think that the best core was in Bato29.
PSX is perfect (pcsx rearmed) with enhanced resolution for 64 bits.
n64 works with scratches and lag(glidemk2) i think this is for the resolution render. The best for this system is 640×480p. (In my opinion, bato29 and 34 has the best core version for this). I miss the “n64” core for Killer instinct gold. only with this core the game was playable.
model3 is broken, not works any rom. too much glitches
model2 is dissappeared in pi4.
naomi2 works but slowly.. i think that this problem is for the gpu in the arm chip. Not enough powerfull.
This is all the issues that i can see. Thank you for yout great work!!