You can add each game individually in the ports section. I did it by creating a file with the name of the game and .sh extension. in userdata/roms/ports
then, you want to add these lines to the file with nano or vim
/userdata/saves/flatpak/binaries/app/com.moonlight_stream.Moonlight/current/active/export/bin/com.moonlight_stream.Moonlight stream YOURHOSTIPADDRESS "NAMEOFTHEGAME"
##these lines are to quit the session when exiting moonlight
/userdata/saves/flatpak/binaries/app/com.moonlight_stream.Moonlight/current/active/export/bin/com.moonlight_stream.Moonlight quit YOURHOSTIPADDRESS "NAMEOFTHEGAME"
you can get the name of the game by running:
or moonlight list
in the terminal or via ssh
Finally you want to chmod +x the previously created file
chmod +x
Update your game lists and launch. My games launch this way but I don’t get controller support, but even launching the flatpak moonlight the controller doesn’t work, I don’t know why. As a workaround I’m using moonlight.appimage and this way the controller works.