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Here that important things published by the Staff
Forums are currently locked until further notice
Joystick configured out of the box
The batocera.linux bazaar spirit
Do you want to help us ?
batocera.linux 30 rc1
batocera 29 rc2/rc3
batocera 29 rc1
batocera 29 beta1
batocera 5.27 rc4
batocera 5.27 rc3
batocera 5.27 rc1
batocera 5.27 beta1
batocera.linux 5.26 rc2
batocera.linux 5.25 with nvidia-legacy drivers (390.xx) - Discontinued
batocera.linux 5.26 rc1
Raspberry Pi 4 - First 5.26 Build!
We made you an April Fool - It runs rough
Batocera.linux 5.26 for Android ! [APRIL FOOLS]
batocera 5.25 rc5
batocera 5.25 rc4
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